Sunday, November 16, 2014


I have lost momentum.

I've heard it takes about 60 days to build up a new habit. Well, I've discovered it takes about three days to lose one. Since I started following the instructions in The Artist's Way I've been diligent about doing the Morning Pages every day. However, I recently spent three days in Toronto, and during that time I didn't do any journal writing. Since I've returned home I've found it difficult to get back in the habit. I'm not against doing them, in fact they've been a valuable tool for me, but I've had a hard time incorporating them back into my routine. I remember when I started writing consistently I went through the same thing. I'd get on a roll and then something would get in the way and suddenly my consistent writing schedule would fall off the rails. The thing is, I know there's no easy solution for solving this type of issue, the only thing you can do is start building up the habit again. And the only way to build up a habit is to be consciously aware of what you're doing and what your goals are. So, whether you're trying to journal consistently or write a book, the rules for accomplishing your goal are the same, you just have to build the habit through consistency...and don't take a break even if you're going away, because killing a good habit can be an easy thing to do.

Happy Writing!

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