Monday, February 16, 2015


I've been reading Steven Pressfield's book, the War of Art, and it's made an impact. I've been really lucky over the past few years to keep meeting the right book at the right time, and this is the case once again. 

Pressfield talks a great deal about Resistance. He says that resistance is "an energy field radiating from work-in-potential. It's a repelling force. It's negative. Its aim is to shove us away, distract us, prevent us from doing our work."

For Pressfield, Resistance doesn't just keep us from work, like writing or painting or accounting, it will keep you from doing the things that will propel you forward as a person. One of those valuable things I keep encountering is the power of meditation, and yet I haven't been able to get into the habit. Everywhere I look, I keep seeing all the benefits of meditation. In particular, meditation is said to help you become more focused, which is an incredibly valuable attribute to have as an artist, believe you me. And I keep trying to meditate on a regular basis but things keep getting in the way. I would try, then fail, the try again, and fail. I would beat myself up about it. Why couldn't I spare 10 minutes twice a day to meditate? Now I understand. Resistance was in the way. And it kept getting in the way because this is something I need to do that will propel me forward. Resistance doesn't get in my way when I want to watch TV, because watching TV isn't going to propel me forward. Resistance is fine with me spending an hour watching TV, but watch out if I want to sit down and meditate for 10 minutes. Then Resistance takes notice. 

Well, watch out Resistance, cause now I know. Now I'll be watching for you. 

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