Monday, August 28, 2017

Weekly Writing Tip - August 28

I'm home from vacation and back with a new writing tip.

Keep a writing journal.

I'm not talking about the type of journal where you bare your soul and purge yourself of all those negative emotions, I'm talking about a journal where you jot down random ideas, snippets of overheard conversations, interesting smells, strange coincidences, and anything else that strikes your fancy. It should be a place that you could refer back to occasionally to generate ideas or to enhance your writing when you hit a blank space you simply can't find a way to fill.

Go out and grab a journal and take it with you wherever you go. Try it out for a few months and see how it goes. I'm pretty sure you'll find it's a useful tool and a fun way to spruce up your writing life. Plus, it'll give you an excuse to eavesdrop without feeling guilty.

(NOTE - Thanks to author Don Aker for suggesting this tip!)

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